Thursday, 26 January 2012

Glowing Plasma Balls Falling into A Black Hole? What!!!!!

Ok right now you might be thinking what on earth is this! Well I am going to tell you! Astronomers have found a black hole that ejects glowing balls of plasma. It shoots glowing balls of plasma in the opposite directions that blaze through space at one quarter the speed of light. These glowing balls of plasma travel as fast as going from earth to the sun in an hour! We don't know what is making these glowing plasma balls is doing this but we do know where they are coming from a star and are going into the black hole.
The Material from the star spills into the black hole as it starts gradually increase and gets hotter.
This causes the black hole to get very hot and every eight months and glow in X-rays, then get sink lower and begin all over again. The star is called H1742 and it is 28,000 light years away from NASA’S Hig Energy Optical Observatory, and they were the first to see the X-ray sputtering in the late 1970’s. But they had to wait for the Baseline Array which is a very big radio telescope which helped them look deep into the black hole. They also used the Rossi Z-ray timing Explorer which to the black hole’s pulse. The radio array can see things very far away, it is so sharp it can see a human standing on the moon. This radio array on June 3, 2011 it saw two plasma balls launched into the black hole. And astronomers observations have shown that they believe a blog of hot gas has formed and getting bigger around the black hole. The researchers have tracked down the blog moving from 1,700 to 800 miles from the black hole. And then it caught up into the glowing balls of plasma and the plasma split into two opposite directions.So we have discovered super massive black holes in the core of galaxies.

I found this article very interseting because I do not know very much about astronomy and when I think about space I never think of a black hole, so I really found it interesting to learn about this black hole and about this star shooting glowing plasma. It was really cool!
View, Google Street. "Black Hole Ejects Great Balls of Fire : Discovery News." Discovery News: Earth, Space, Tech, Animals, History, Adventure, Human, Autos. Web. 26 Jan. 2012. .